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Stardate 10012.10

Things to know for this week:

  • The Reading Quiz for the short stories is still available. It will be up until tomorrow (Monday, December 11th) at 3:00pm.

  • List-serv posts over the short stories need to be in by midnight tomorrow. For now, please continue to send your list posts to:

  • The Final Exam Question Pool is now available.

  • We will not be meeting as a class on STOP DAY (Wednesday, December 13th). Instead, I will be in my office in Tate Hall, Room 1, as usual from 10:00-11:00am and I will hold an extra office hour during our regularly scheduled class time from 11:00am-12:00pm.

  • The FINAL EXAM for ENG 16-1: Babes in Space will be held in Tate 22 on Monday, December 18th from 1pm-3pm. You are encouraged to bring your books and copies of the essays or short stories. You will NOT be permitted to use notes, outlines, or previously written answers. I will supply the tests and the paper for your essays.

Stardate 10012.03

Things to know for this week:

  • The Reading Quiz for *Frankenstein* is still available. It will be up until tomorrow (Monday, December 4th) at 3:00pm. It will then be replaced by a quiz over the three short stories.

  • List-serv posts over *Frankenstein* need to be in by tomorrow. For now, please continue to send your list posts to:

  • This week, in place of our final novel, we will be reading the following three short stories from the anthology Science Fiction, edited by Warrick, Waugh and Greenberg on behalf of the Science Fiction Research Association:

    • "Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes, p. 285-308
      Monday, December 4th
    • "Driftglass" by Samuel Delaney, p. 338-353
      Wednesday, December 6th
    • "Options" by John Varley, p. 476-499
      Friday, December 8th

Stardate 10011.26

Things to know for this week:

  • The Reading Quiz for *China Mountain Zhang* is still available. It will be up until tomorrow (Monday, November 27th) at 3:00pm. At that time, the quiz will switch to *Frankenstein*.

  • List-serv posts over *Frankenstein* need to be in by Monday, December 4th. For now, please continue to send your list posts to:

  • Next week, in place of our final novel, we will be reading the following three short stories from the anthology Science Fiction, edited by Warrick, Waugh and Greenberg on behalf of the Science Fiction Research Association:

    • "Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes, p. 285-308
      Monday, December 4th
    • "Driftglass" by Samuel Delaney, p. 338-353
      Wednesday, December 6th
    • "Options" by John Varley, p. 476-499
      Friday, December 8th

Stardate 10011.19

Things to know for this week:

  • In observance of Thanksgiving, there are NO CLASSES THIS WEEK (NOV. 20-24th).

  • In place of our final novel (Dec. 4-8), *Looking for the Mahdi*, we will be reading the following three short stories from the anthology Science Fiction, edited by Warrick, Waugh and Greenberg on behalf of the Science Fiction Research Association:

    • "Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes, p. 285-308
    • "Driftglass" by Samuel Delaney, p. 338-353
    • "Options" by John Varley, p. 476-499

    For Monday, November 27th, you need to finish through Chapter 5 of *Frankenstein*.

  • The Reading Quiz for *China Mountain Zhang* is still available. It will be up until a week from today when it will be replaced by the *Frankenstein* quiz.

  • List-serv posts over *Frankenstein* need to be in by Monday, December 4th. For now, please continue to send your list posts to:

Stardate 10011.12

Things to know for this week:

Stardate 10011.05

Things to know for this week:

  • The readings for Wednesday's class and Friday's class are available at the library reserve desk:

    • "Alien Monsters" by Joanna Russ, in Turning Points, edited by Damon Knight. (Wednesday's class)
    • "Houston, Houston, Do You Read?" by James Tiptree, Jr., in Science Fiction: An Anthology, edited by Warrick, Waugh and Greenberg for the Science Fiction Research Association. (Friday's class)

  • Book Reviews associated with *Trouble and Her Friends* are due tomorrow. Note that this is a change of deadline.

  • The Reading Quiz for *Trouble and Her Friends* is still available. It will be up until tomorrow (Monday, Nov. 6th) at 3pm. Then it will be replaced with the "Alien Monsters"/"Houston, Houston" quiz.

  • List-serv posts over *Trouble and Her Friends* need to be in by tomorrow (Monday, Nov. 6th). For now, please continue to send your list posts to:

Stardate 10010.29

Things to know for this week:

  • For those of you who missed class last Monday or Wednesday, the Star Trek episodes covered by the quiz include:

    • Star Trek Next Generation: "The Outcast"
    • Star Trek Deep Space Nine: "Blood Oath"

    Some information about the key characters from each show and about those episodes should be available from the Star Trek website below or its related links:

  • The Reading Quiz for both Star Trek episodes will remain up until 3pm tomorrow (Monday, October 30th). At that time the quiz for *Trouble and Her Friends* will be posted.

  • Another reminder to let you all know, Science Fiction costumes are welcome in class tomorrow. Up to ten extra credit points will be given to really good costumes!

  • List-serv posts over *Trouble and Her Friends* need to be in by Monday, November 6th. For now, please continue to send your list posts to:

  • I will be grading your Midterms this week. They will be returned to you, along with a detailed summary of your scores on other course requirements on Monday, November 6th, a week from tomorrow.

Stardate 10010.22

Things to know for this week:

  • The Reading Quiz for *Star Trek/DS-9* is now available. It will be up until next Sunday night (Oct. 29th).

  • Please remember I will not be joining you for class this week. Monday and Wednesday, Christy Porter will be showing you Star Trek/DS-9 episodes related to our current theme, "The Female Other". You can get more info about Star Trek from its official site:

  • NO CLASS on Friday, October 27, 2000!!

  • Science Fiction costumes are welcome in class on Monday, October 30th. Up to 10 Extra credit points will be given to really really good costumes!

  • As I will be taking my Ph.D. exams this week, I will need the week of October 30th to grade your Midterms. They will be returned to you, along with a detailed summary of your grades on other course requirements on Monday, November 6th.

Stardate 10010.15

Things to know for this week:

  • The Midterm Question Pool is now available!!

    (Yep. That's this Wednesday and Friday. Come Monday for small group study sessions & review.)

Stardate 10010.10

Things to know for this week:

  • The The Midterm Question Pool is now available!!

  • The Reading Quiz for *No Woman Born* is now available. It will be up until 3pm on Monday, October 16th.

  • List-serv posts over *The Handmaid's Tale* should have been in my mailbox by midnight Monday. For now, please continue to send your list posts to:

  • For class on Wednesday, you need to read *No Woman Born* by C.L. Moore. The novella can be found in the following anthology at the reserve desk of the library or at the campus bookstore:

    Warrick, Patricia, ed.
    Science Fiction: An Anthology. Science Fiction Research Assn.

  • Quick Reminder: Your Midterm is next week! I will be posting a pool of 8 questions by Wednesday of this week, and your exam will be drawn from that question pool.

Stardate 10010.01

Things to know for this week:

  • The Reading Quiz for *The Handmaid's Tale* will be available until 3:00 pm this Friday, October 6, 2000.

  • List-serv posts over *The Handmaid's Tale* need to be in by Monday, October 9, 2000. For now, please continue to send your list posts to:

Stardate 10009.24

Things to know for this week:

  • The Reading Quiz for *North Wind* is still up until 3pm tomorrow (Monday, September 25th). At that time, the Reading Quiz for *The Handmaid's Tale* will become available.

  • List-serv posts over *North Wind* need to be in by tomorrow night (Monday, September 25th). For now, please continue to send your list posts to:

  • For Monday of this week we will be meeting in Tate 22 as usual. However,Wednesday and Friday of this week (Sept. 27th & 29th), we will be meeting in GCB 222C. See me for directions if you don't know where that is.

  • While we're in GCB 222C, we'll be using two important web pages:

    Will Stotler's Babes in Space Gallery

    Geoff & Betsy's Top Five Sites for Women in SF

Stardate 10009.17

Things to know for this week:

Stardate 10009.10

Things to know for this week:

Stardate 10009.05

Things to know for this week:

  • The Reading Quiz for *Dawn* is now available. It will be up until 3pm on Monday, September 11th.

  • List-serv posts over *Left Hand of Darkness* are due by midnight tomorrow (Wednesday, September 6th). List-serv posts for *Dawn* are welcome anytime between now and the end of our class discussions of it. The list address is:

Stardate 10008.30

Things to know for this week:

  • Don't forget to post to the list-serv this week about *Left Hand of Darkness*. The list is located at the following address:

  • Now that all of you have created your BiS ID's , you need to read *Left Hand of Darkness* and take the Reading Quiz by 3:00pm Friday, September 1st.

  • Next, you need to choose a book for review from the Book Recommendation List . Please note that the reviews all have varying due dates and that if you choose a review from the *Left Hand of Darkness* set, it will be due by class time on Friday, September 1st.

  • In addition to choosing a book for review, you need to choose a partner and both of you need to agree on a Character Analysis Presentation date. If possible, you need to choose a character and indicate your choice to me and on the form as well.

Stardate 10008.19

Things to know for this week:

  • Welcome to ENG 16-1: Babes in Space! Your first task is to read the Syllabus .

  • Next, you need to visit the Library Reserve Desk and ask for copies of the following two books (I've listed them here the way they are listed in the on-line reserve catalogue):

    • LeGuin, Ursula. The Language of the Night.
    • Warrick, Patricia, ed. Science Fiction: Science Fiction Research Assn.

    Both books are on two-hour reserve. You are responsible to read the essay, "American SF and the Other" from LeGuin's The Language of the Night and to read "Bloodchild" by Octavia Butler from Warrick's anthology, Science Fiction: Science Fiction Research Assn. You need to do this by class time on Wednesday, August 23rd.

  • Your last task for Week One is to create your Babes in Space ID . This ID will allow you access to secure portions of the site, including the Reading Quizzes and the project submission forms. To create it, simply follow the directions at the link above.

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This page was created by Marta Boswell, Rachel Sage and David Drum.
Copyright © 2000 Babes in Space. All rights reserved.
Revised: Monday, 21 October 2024 at 16:27.
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